DRZCRPS: Towards a Corpus of Druze Poetry
Over the past few years, I have become quite interested in historical Druze religious poetry (from about the 17th–18th century CE onwards). Stumbling across ...
Over the past few years, I have become quite interested in historical Druze religious poetry (from about the 17th–18th century CE onwards). Stumbling across ...
The 8th version (2023.1.8) of the OpenITI corpus is now available at Zenodo. The release is open access and is also accessible through our GitHub repository....
The KITAB team has released a new version (2022.2.7) of the OpenITI corpus at Zenodo. The release is open access. It is our seventh release (second release i...
The KITAB team has released a new version (2022.1.6) of the OpenITI corpus at Zenodo. The release is open access. It is our fifth release (second release in ...
This is the third blog in a short series of blogs on the overlap between the OpenITI corpus and Ibn al-Nadim’s Fihrist. Please refer to the first part for a ...
This is the second blog in a short series of blogs on the overlap between the OpenITI corpus and Ibn al-Nadim’s Fihrist. Please refer to the first part for a...
The corpus of texts the KITAB project uses as the basis for its research is a subsection of the OpenITI corpus. It contains Arabic-language texts of the firs...
The OpenITI corpus is designed to facilitate many different forms of computational analysis. Within the KITAB project we spend the bulk of our time fine-tuni...
Tagging the structure of the texts in OpenITI corpus is an important step towards the ultimate goal of the KITAB projectStudying the Arabic textual tradition...
The KITAB team has released a new version (2021.2.5) of the OpenITI corpus at Zenodo. The release is open access. It is our fifth release (second release in ...
At present, the OpenITI/KITAB corpus comprises 10,243 text files, 6,268 of which are unique titles.
Quantitative and macroanalytic approaches
The KITAB team has released a new version (2021.1.4) of the OpenITI corpus at Zenodo. The release is open access and freely available. It is our fourth relea...
The vast majority of texts in the OpenITI corpus were sourced from three major collections of digital texts originally prepared by organisations based in the...
At the Arabic Pasts conference this year, Hugh Kennedy and I presented a paper in the panel dedicated to the Invisible East programme, chaired by the program...
(This is the first blog post in a longer series of posts about the sources of OpenITI.)
A new version (version 2020.2.3) of the OpenITI corpus is available at Zenodo, an Open Science platform that supports open access. This is the third release ...
For us as digital historians and corpus curators, faced with the complex history of reception and transmission as well as the distinct approach to learning a...
To categorise things is a fundamental human and scholarly instinct and activity. And yet it is one not without obstacles, for we soon learn that the world is...
In previous posts, other members of the KITAB team have talked about building the OpenITI corpus of Arabic and Persian sources. Many members of the team are ...
A new version of the corpus used by the KITAB team is now available to download at Zenodo, an Open Science platform that supports open access. This is the se...
With currently more than 7,000 titles, collected from a number of huge digital Arabic libraries (al-Jamiʿ al-Kabir, al-Maktaba al-Shamila, Shia Online, etc.)...
“How can I bear to pair fair words in rhyme
In the past few months the KITAB team members have been closely studying the issue of versioning and composite editions in the OpenITI corpus. The problem of...
Scholars working in Arabic can now download the entire corpus used by the KITAB team through Zenodo, an Open Science platform that supports open access.